Christmas · Dessert

Marshmallow Lollipops

We are so close to Christmas! Can you believe it? I can’t! This Christmas season has been an unusual one for our family and things have definitely not gone as planned. But it is my mission to see the joy and the hope in every situation and to make the season still bright.

I needed to put together some sweet treats and gifts for my mom and sister. Their birthday’s are in early December but with the craziness their special days came and went with no presents or sweets from me! Boo!

These treats are really easy to make, inexpensive, and fun! If you have kids or siblings your could probably get them to help you out when it comes to decorating them. I got tired about halfway through and just dipped plain ones.

For this lovely marshmallow lollipops you will need one package of chocolate bark, a bag of marshmallows, lollipop sticks, and sprinkles.

The awesome thing about the recipes is that it is so versatile! Flavored marshmallows, white chocolate bark, crushed up candy canes…if you dream it up it would probably work!

First you will want to get a double boiler going. If you have an actual double boiler gadget good for you! As for the rest of us just take a sauce pan and put a few inches of water in the bottom over medium heat. You want the water to come to a light simmer. And the pop a class bowl on top. Wah lah! Double Boiler.

Break up your chocolate bark with a big knife and put into the double boiler. It will take a little bit for it to melt but that’s ok. You don’t want the chocolate to burn.

Make sure you periodically stir the chocolate. The residual heat will help the chocolate melt faster.

While the chocolate is melting you can move on to the next step. Take one of your lollipop sticks.

And dip it into the chocolate…please don’t lick it over. I know you will be tempted.

And pop it down into one of the marshmallows. This will anchor the stick into the marshmallow and keep the stick in place when you dip them later.

OH…and have some wax paper lined backing sheets ready to go as well.

Now repeat. I had 40 lollipops all together.

Once I got going I forgot I was a blogger and trying to get some actions shots for you all.

But you will want to dip your marshmallows and the put sprinkles or whatever you decided on them. I found that on the dark chocolate, colored sprinkles don’t show up well unless you literally put spoonfuls on. And then the heat from the chocolate still melts some of them.

So festive!

I had some bark left over so instead of throwing it out I put a few splashes of peppermint extract in and then dipped some wheat Ritz crackers in the chocolate.

The result: Mock Thin Mints! Delish!

If you still needed some Christmas inspiration that these easy recipes did the trick! They are so yummy! Now I know what you all are thinking…didn’t you just say that you were running the 500 Mini and you have these in your house? Not to fear! They have all made their way to my parents house and are probably all gone.

And one more thing! These are now in the Recipe Book. So if you would would like to browse some of my other recipes please do so!

Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope your season is filled with happiness, hope, and love as we celebrated the birth of Jesus.


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