
Flour-less Chocolate Cake


I am so glad that I am finally here and now I am almost able to incorporate grains back in! I don’t know about you all but I think cycle 2 is super easy after going through the first one.

Yesterday evening was kind of rough. I have had some killer cravings! I could have sworn I smelled Dairy Queen while sitting at my desk. Mile away from the nearest Dairy Queen. Crazy!

Anyways, I had to do something about it. So I got online and did some research. I know that there is no way in the world that I could concoct something off the cycle 1 list for ice cream so it had to be something different. And I found it.

Chocolate cake.


I typed in flourless cake and came up with a few different recipes. After 3 different batches I managed to come up with a totally cycle one cake.

So here we go…

Start out with 4 eggs

Add in two teaspoons of vanilla

Then sift in 1/2 cup of cocoa powder. It is REALLY important to sift it in because cocoa powder is a pain in the butt to mix in. Unless you want to use a mixer. But when I make it usually I only make a single serving. And I am not going to make that kind of mess!

After you mix it in add in 1/2 cup of sugar. I used Splenda instead. You can use whatever kind of sweetener like honey or agave nectar.

Then 4 tablespoons unsweetened apple sauce and 1 tablespoon baking powder

Mix well and pour into 4 small microwave safe bowls that have been sprayed with Pam. I know this is only three, the other one is cooking.

Now the easy part. Pop one in the microwave and cook for about 50 seconds.

The cake will be really hot but it should just pop right out of the pot.

Now, like I said I have made them three times. Once with milk, once with banana, and once with apple sauce.

My pick is the banana. It’s naturally sweet and counteracts the bitterness of the cocoa powder.

Anyway, I had the fiance try it and he was extremely surprised that it tasted good! haha

This one I only cooked 40 seconds and it turned out a little like a lava cake. Just be careful. That cocoa is bitter!

In conclusion, I can’t believe its over. Tomorrow is weigh-in day. And you know what if I don’t loose anything it still has all been worth it because it helped me get my blog rolling. And for that I am so glad.

Thanks for reading and until next time. Have some cake!


Flourless Chocolate Cake- 1 Serving
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp apple sauce, milk, mashed banana, pumpkin, OR squash
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp sugar or sweetener equivalent
1/4 tsp baking powder
Cooking spray.
Mix ingredents throuoghly together. And cook in the microwave for approximatly 50 seconds in a greased microwavable dish.


8 thoughts on “Flour-less Chocolate Cake

  1. Thanks for the comment! It turned out pretty good. Pinterest is full of recipes that work for the 17 Day Diet. You should also check out my Pinterest page. I have a 17 Day Diet board if you need some ideas!


  2. My goodness that was delicious! I was looking for a little something to get me through today's cycle 1 menu. It was quick, easy and so satisfying. I split it with my hubby who is on the diet too. I got to indulge without feeling guilty. THANK YOU!!


  3. I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed this cake! You are so welcome! THANK YOU for reading and trying out one of the recipes 😀 And good luck on continuing the 17 Day Diet!


  4. I used pureed squash, and Splenda. I didn't care for it (I don't like Splenda,) but my husband said it was good.


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